Poster Presentations
National Ocean Science Conference 2024

Here you can find an overview of all the titles of the poster presentations. Below you will find a collection of the abstracts in a separate PDF. Below you will also find a link to the digital versions of the presentations.

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  • Anouk van Boxtel – NIOZ
    Dust-associated production and export of phytoplankton biomarkers in Ionian Sea sediment traps
  • Daan Reijnders - Utrecht University
    Tracing Ocean Transport: From Plastics to Carbon
  • Darshika Manral - Utrecht University
    Transport of Sargassum seaweed in the Tropical Atlantic
  • Elsa Girard - Naturalis Biodiversity Center
    Watching out for coral reefs with forams
  • Emma Daniëls - Utrecht University
    Virtual oceanography fieldwork: The Virtual Ship educational tool
  • Felix Dols – Deltaris
    European Digital Twin Ocean (EDITO) and application of Deltares software on the EDITO platform
  • Isabel van Waveren - Naturalis Biodiversity Center
    The Carbon Cycle revisited - A reconstruction of the Keeling curve using net chemical pollutant production.
  • Jackie Ashkin - Leiden University
  • Kim Darbouze – KITLV
    Healing Haunting Matters: Material, eco-geopolitical wounding and extractions of afterlives and colonialism across the Atlantic
  • Lisette Mekkes - Naturalis Biodiversity Center
    Contrasting calcification patterns between juvenile and adult pteropods across the Atlantic
  • Marjolein van Vulpen - The Ocean Cleanup
    Assessing the Environmental and Social Benefits of The Ocean Cleanup’s Technologies.
  • Marleen Vintges - The Ocean Cleanup
    Plastic ingestion in marine fish from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
  • Niels van Helmond - Radboud University Nijmegen
    Variable effects of ecosystem restoration in a eutrophic coastal lagoon: reoxygenation by increasing water exchange
  • Pieter Hovenkamp - NIOZ / Utrecht University
    An image of contrasts - automated image analysis to understand the role of zooplankton in a changing ocean
  • Samuel Lu - Utrecht University
    Governance marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction: Institutional interaction as a catalyst for cooperation and coordination
  • Shirin Rahman - Utrecht University
    Geochemistry of whale teeth: indicators for modern and ancient ecology
  • Sonia Heye – Deltaris
    Environmental effects of oyster restoration in the North Sea under different climate change scenarios
  • Titus Kruijssen - Wageningen University & Research
    Hydrogeological pressures on coral reef ecosystems around Curaçao
  • Vesna Bertoncelj - NIOZ / Utrecht University
    Simulating residence times of nutrients and pollutants around coral reef communities on Curaçao
  • Virginia Sánchez Barranco – NIOZ
    The island effect on the biogeochemistry of tropical coastal waters: A case study from Curaçao (Caribbean Sea)